Deep Dark Wrath in GDoC Expo 2024

Heyyo, CraftedCircuitry here!

Just a quick update to announce that Deep Dark Wrath will be showcased on Game Devs of Color Expo 2024. The Game Devs of Color Expo is a festival highlighting creators of color in games, including an online conference, networking, jobs, the GDoCExpo Direct, Steam Sale, and more. You can find more info about it on their website,

Because of this, Deep Dark Wrath will be on sale for 35% Off on Itch from Sept 18 to 25, as well as on Steam later from Sept 22 to 29. Hope you get to see the depths of Deep Dark Wrath, as well as the other really cool games, events, and more in the Expo!

This has been CraftedCircuitry, signing off for now.

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