Light, Farm, Concoct, and Strive to bring your Alchemy Store to success!

Brokeware Alchemy is an incremental management simulation game set in an everdark world where you use your fire magic to give light to your farm, use its heat to concoct your wares, give you courage to complete quotas, and become a thriving alchemical business.

This is a PirateSoftware Game Jam 15 Submission solo-developed by CraftedCircuitry. It's a rough prototype(no proper testing, etc.) of how I interpreted the Shadows and Alchemy theme but still, I hope you enjoy it!

Game Design Document is externally linked via GDrive in the Downloads section >>

The game does not save progress.

Farm for Fruit Ingredients for the Potion you need to make

Bring 2 Fruits from the farms to the Pot, concocting the Potion you want to make

Sell them by the Truck and Complete Quotas for a bigger Profit and Repeat!

Don't let daylight pass without you completing the Quota, or you might lose your streak and not be able to continue your business!

Once you complete your Quota for the day, get more efficient machines with Upgrades!

Controls are always shown in the game, and tooltips switch between using your Keyboard or Gamepad. 

  • Spacebar / Cross on PS / A on Xbox - can be used to press buttons in the Main Menu, Pause, and End of Day Screen
  • While mobile compatible, it does require you to use Keyboard or Gamepad



  • Added more time per day from 5 minutes to 8:45 minutes (75% more)
  • Added Stop Farm option and the 5 Gold Cost is only deducted once the Fruit can be harvested
  • Added a 50 Gold Bonus when you've completed the Quota early and skipped the day


  • Initial Game Release

Brokeware Alchemy was made with the Godot Game Engine

Brokeware Alchemy was mostly made with assets by me.  Assets not made by CraftedCircuitry are as follows:

CraftedCircuitry Tumblr

© 2024 CraftedCircuitry


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Click download now to get access to the following files:

Game Design Document


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its interesting and i like the art! i struggled a lot with the interface, accidentally planting the wrong crops over and over when im trying to move around. i did not get far as it seems quite punishing with your time, i guess you have to memorize your quota in order to have enough time to make everything.

(1 edit)

Thanks for the feedback! Always appreciated, and glad you liked the art!

  • I decided to up the day cycle time to give more time, from 5 minutes to 8:45 minutes.
  • I’ve also added a way to stop the Farms from growing until its harvested, so one can cancel it. It also only deducts the Gold Cost when harvesting so you don’t continuously get deducted. I’m not sure right now how to properly fix or make the interface better right now so close to deadline, so maybe I might revisit it once PirateJam is done.